Friday, March 30, 2012

Socail Networking Comparison

The site i chose to explore and compare was Deviant Art.  Deviant Art is a specialized social networking site in which users create their own art in various medias and share it with each other.  You can have friends , and favorite artists, and there is a feed that shows all the latest posts.  One can narrow down their results to specific media of art, for instance pen and ink, web design, photography, etc.  Overall categories include Digital Art,Traditional Art, Photography, Asian Crafts, Literature, Film and Animation, Flash, Design Interfaces, Cartoons and Comics, Manga Anime, Anthro, Fan Art,Resources and Stock images.  It is similar to Facebook in the sense that it lets you connect with other people and comment on different things they post.  However, it is very different in that Deviant Art is specialized and only consists of art posts. 

1 comment:

  1. I very much enjoy Deviant Art. I can't draw myself but its cool to see some of the art work people post on there!! Its very cool.
